LeRoc (Modern Jive) dance classes in Taunton. No partner required just come along and have some fun.

What is Leroc or Modern Jive?
Leroc or Modern Jive is a fun partnered dance. Leroc offers the fusion of jive and Latin. It’s easy to learn, a great way to make friends and a good form of exercise as well.
Leroc can be performed to a wide variety of music from old classics to modern chart hits.
With no previous dance experience or even a partner needed, why not come along to one of our Wednesday classes or Friday freestyles and have some fun with us at Taunton!
What Our Dancers Say......
I started with no skills whatsoever! I was nervous, but made to feel perfectly at ease. The beginner routines were simple to understand and taught in stages, years later I'm still hooked!

Fabulous venue, classes are informative and very supportive for new beginners. Lovely friendly people, great atmosphere and social life. Monthly freestyle are well attended.

Everyone welcome, great classes and people. Enhances your social life and circle of friends, venue is great and dance evenings are full of fun.

Where to find us